Discover how to Stop Negative Leadership Behaviours so Your managers can truly get the best out of employees and increase profitablity.


Do you know that you can Stop Negative Leadership Behaviours by getting to the ROOT CAUSE of what is really causing it?

Do you ever wonder why after so many leadership development programs and trainings that managers do not have any significant behaviour change?

Here is the secret - most leadership development programs are focused on creating anti-behaviour (behaviours opposite to what they are doing right now) without getting to the ROOT CAUSE of the negative behaviour. Without getting to the ROOT CAUSE, they will simply revert to their old behaviours after a short period.

Let me explain: managers exhibit negative leadership behaviours (little or no feedback and communication, micromanaging, bullying, gets defensive when challenged, egotistical/narcissistic, inauthentic, controlling etc) because they had a negative experience previously (Original Sensitising Event - OSE).

This OSE created negative BELIEFS and EMOTIONS which cause the managers to act 'negatively'. Their behaviour is spontaneous and subconscious and they lack the control to avoid negative behaviours. 

Beliefs and Emotions are the underlying force for behaviours and action. Change beliefs and emotions and you can change anything. But the traditional tools used in Leadership Development like psychometric testing, 360 feedback, personality profiles etc DO NOT get to the Root Cause but rather generalises  personalities - this is not very helpful in changing behaviours. Emotional Intelligence training at best tells the managers that they may have negative emotions and give them different ways to manage the negative emotions. How about we REMOVE the negative emotions rather than MANAGE them?

Current work situations are only triggers of the OSE and the same behaviours would be exhibited due to emotional hijack.


Most leadership development programs only deal with the outer layer (bebaviour) of the model which is VERY FAR from the core issue or ROOT CAUSE. 

Unless you identify the ROOT CAUSE and re-purpose it, there is a very high possibility the behaviours would continue.

The big question on our client's  mind is ....... how can we get managers to CONSISTENTLY behave like leaders and motivate and inspire their staff to high performance.

Many clients come to us when they are frustrated after trying  every type of leadership development and soft skills training but with very little results. Employees are still complaining about negative leadership behaviours.

Our CEO and Founder, Mr. Shane Ram has been in the learning and development field for over 20 years and have seen (and have used many)  every possible leadership development program and book. While they are all helpful in some way or the other, they often do not lead to permanent behaviour change. Shane was also the head of a Corporate University and had responsibility for Succession Planning and Leadership Development for 32 markets. After thousands of client coaching hours, he developed a model and process that has had tremendous results.

It took him 20 years, many tries and many failures to find a process that actually eliminates negative leadership behaviours and he wants to share this with you and your organisation. 


Now you can have leaders who act positively to inspire their employees and create profits.

Latest Gallup poll suggests that 85% of managers are not good at leading others but this does not have to be your organisation.

How does Go For 10 Executive Coaching Work?

Change only happens in 2 instances, Crisis or Continuous Conscious Action, we use the later to dramatically improve performance.

Executive Coaching FAQs

Q: What exactly do executive coaches do?

 A: Executive coaches provide a confidential and supportive sounding board to their clients. Our coaches help clients to identify the blocks that are keeping them from their highest potential and develops an action plan to get to their optimum leadership potential.

They ask questions, challenge assumptions, help provide clarity, provide resources, and yes, sometimes, with permission, provide advice. They often administer and help interpret 360 degree and behavioral assessments, conduct confidential interviews to help a client gain self-awareness, and establish development goals. 


Q: How long does the Executive Coaching process take?

A: The minimum is three months as for any meaningful change to happen you require 60 to 90 days. Depending on the need of the client it can go up to one year.


Q: Who is executive coaching best suited for?

A: Years ago, companies hired executive coaches to come in and fix broken executives. Nowadays, most companies hire executive coaches as a way to invest in their top executives and high potentials. 

It is no longer a stigma to have a coach; it's a status symbol. While executives can hire their own coaches (usually CEOs or business owners), it's more common for companies (often HR) to recommend a coach to an executive as a part of an executive development program. The coachee could be newly promoted (transition coaching), be facing a number of challenges (usually involving people relationships), or is being groomed for larger roles. And yes, coaches are still hired to correct behavioral problems and help leaders resolve interpersonal conflicts. 


Q: When Should a Manager (Or Company) Not Hire an Executive Coach?

A: An executive should not hire an executive coach if:

  • They don't believe they need coaching, are not interested in feedback, and don't believe they need to change (or don't want to).
  • They are looking for business advice or consulting, i.e., someone to solve their problem for them
  • Executive coaching is only a last-ditch, 'Hail Mary' token attempt to fix a failing executive who is already on their way out the door
  • The executive is not at the appropriate level in the organization to justify the expense of coaching
  • The executive's manager should be working with the executive (coaching should not be simply a way to outsource messy people issues).

Q: How much does Executive Coaching Cost?

A: Executive Coaching fees vary depending on the needs but they are well below the cost to organisations of executives and managers performing below requirements.

Today You Can Begin To Improve Your Organisation's Leadership Skills

The Price of Inaction can cause reduced profitability, reduced employee engagement, loss of market share, loss of great talent etc.


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