Did you know most people, regardless of their position or stature have one problem or another?
Did you know the Root Cause is almost always the same?
Did you know that most of us have suffered some form of emotional trauma in our lives?
Imagine having a special formula that can be used over and over for most situations and challenges?
You don't need to Imagine it : Path To Freedom is a proven process to get to the root cause of any problem/challenge you may have.
I have coached senior officials in the United Nations, CEOs, Executives and even a Senator and they all have one thing in common, an incident (What we call the Original Sensitising Event) which cause some form of emotional trauma to which they form a Belief and they Act based on the Belief.
Emotional Trauma does not have to be as bad as the word 'trauma' suggests. A kid being left back at school with all the other children gone home can be trauma for the child and they may form a BELIEF like 'I am not good enough' to be picked up like all the other kids. If someone does not BELIEVE that they are good enough they may not attempt doing many things and others may call them lazy.
Or a child whose parent(s) disapproved of their grades in school or choice of expression can cause emotional trauma for the child because the child does not want to disappoint their parents and they may feel dejected.
Of course the emotional trauma could be much worse if there is verbal, physical and sexual abuse.
The anatomy of Transformation:
Path to Freedom is a proven process to help almost anyone to 'peel back the onion' and get to the Root Cause of what is holding them back and causing problems. This is exactly the process I take my coaching clients through but I have made it more easily accessible and cheaper by creating an online program. You can get it here - https://www.igofor10.com/store
Remember, Don't Settle for 7 - GO FOR 10!
Your Biggest Supporter
Shane Ram
Shane Ram is an Executive and Life Coach, HR Consultant, author and a sought after global keynote speaker. He is the CEO of STEP HR Consulting, Founder of Scientific Happiness, Property Investor, Founder of Don’t Settle for 7 – Go For 10. Shane works with CEOs, corporations, 6-7 Figure business owners and entrepreneurs to increase revenue, grow their businesses and live more fulfilling lives.
Shane's strikingly effective coaching process shows individuals and corporate teams how to create the personal lives they want while becoming a megastar at work. To book a time to speak with Shane go to https://meetme.so/shaneram. To book Shane for events and seminars go to www.shaneram.com or www.stepadvisors.net, call 1-868-351-5000 or email at [email protected]
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