Obstacle #2 to starting your business
Aug 24, 2018
Do you want to start a business but worried if it will generate the expected income?
Do you want the business to generate enough income to eventually replace the income of your job?
Are you worried that your investment may not pay off?
Here are ---------- ideas to contemplate that will help you put some logic to you worries.
1) Have you seen anyone successful at the business you want to be successful at? Are the skills, expertise and experience that you have valuable? If you search well enough you will find other people who are successful at the business you want to start. Therefore money could be earned from your business idea! You just need to have the right strategy and develop the right mindset.
2) Have you seen people earn significant money regardless of the state of economy? Hopefully the answer is yes and the fact is that if your business is really focused on solving problems then it will thrive even in a bad economy because there are more problems in a bad economy and more people will be looking for solutions. Business provide solutions to problems.
3) How would you like to start your business part time and generate twice the income that you have in your full time job? Sounds great! This is exactly what we teach professionals to do. We help them to build a solid strategy and business foundation that they can generate twice the income of their full time employment for 6 months so they can walk away if they want.
4) Is there a lot of people who can benefit from your experience and expertise and are willing to pay for it? Do you see people paying a lot of money for a far inferior service than you can offer? If yes, then you can take your business to the bank. Your income is a function of the number of people who value your product or service and are willing to pay for it. Your business strategy, marketing and sales strategies will help you to find these people!
Here is a conversation I had with a client who had the same obstacle of worrying if their business could generate the income they want from it.
Client : Will I be able to generate US$10K per month.
Me: Do you want to generate US$10 per month?
Client: Yes
Me: Do you see anyone doing what you want to do?
Client: Yes, my company actually has a consultant on board right now.
Me: Can you do what the consultant is doing?
Client: Yes
Me: How much is your company paying the consultant?
Client: US$15K per month on average.
Me: So there is a need for your service/expertise and companies are willing to pay for those services?
Client: Yes but I am not sure I can do it.
Me: But you just said that you can do what the consultant is doing.
Client: I know, its just that I am afraid
Me: Ok, you the problem is not money necessarily, it is your self confidence.
Client: I guess.
Me: One of the main reasons that people lack self confidence in starting their own business is that they do not have a strategy and a plan to execute on the business. They have not figured out their niche, their customer value proposition, their business model, their marketing strategy, their sales strategy and probably most importantly have not transformed their employee mindset to the entrepreneurial mindset.
Client: wow, I did not realise that I needed all these things to ensure I can generate the income I want from my business.
Me: I understand, most professionals think that they can just jump in because they have the expertise and the passion and that is mainly what they need to be successful.
Client: Yes, I thought so to.
Me: The great thing is that you can figure out your niche, your customer value proposition, your business model, your marketing strategy, your sales strategy and most importantly transform your employee mindset to the entrepreneurial mindset.
Client: Awesome, I am so excited to start.
Me: Let's do it!
Our Daring Buisness Builders Masters Class is a 3 month program that will help you choose the most profitable niche market, develop your unique customer propostion, your ideal business model, your sales and marketing strategy and much more.
You will benefit immensely from our Ultimate Learning Experience where we have combined online classes with personalised one on one Executive coaching to help you put into practice what you learn. Apply Now at https://www.igofor10.com/p/dbbm . After you apply, we will call you to discuss your application and see if our program is best for what you want to accomplish.
Remember, Never Settle for 7, Go For 10!
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Shane Ram
CEO and Founder of Go For 10
Shane Ram is an Executive and Life Coach, HR Consultant, author and a sought after global keynote speaker. He is the CEO of STEP HR Consulting, Founder of Scientific Happiness, Property Investor, Founder of Don’t Settle for 7 – Go For 10. Shane works with CEOs, corporations, 6-7 Figure business owners and entrepreneurs to increase revenue, grow their businesses and live more fulfilling lives.
Shane works with CEOs, executives, corporations and entrepreneurs to grow their business and their lives. His strikingly effective coaching process shows individuals and corporate teams how to create the personal lives they want while becoming a megastar at work. To book a time to speak with Shane go to https://meetme.so/shaneram. To book Shane for events and seminars go to www.shaneram.com or www.stepadvisors.net, call 1-868-351-5000 or email at [email protected]
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