Who are you anyway? Why authenticity is a myth.

Uncategorized Jun 08, 2018

Authenticity and authentic self are two terms that are heavily used these days.

But who are you when you are being your authentic self?

How do you discover your authentic self?

At what level does your authenticity exist?

Is your authentic self defined based on how you act?

Is your authentic self defined based on how you feel?

Is your authentic self defined based on the stories that you are telling yourself?

Who are you really? What is your authentic self?

That really depends on the identity and beliefs you adopted a very long time ago.

You see, based on the experiences we had as a child we adopted an identity and beliefs about life and who we are? Our traumatic experiences had the most profound impact on who are are today. We would have developed beliefs, identities, stories and behaviours based on these experiences.

Unfortunately, many of those beliefs and behaviours that we adopted were to COPE or SURVIVE and most often do not serve us in our adult life.

To give a simple example, suppose when you were 6 years old your parents were late to pick you up and all the others kids were picked up and you were the last kid in school. The 6 year old you may have interpreted this event as your parent(s) not loving you and maybe a belief that you are unlovable.

To cope with this and survive life, you would have adopted some beliefs and behaviours that will ensure that you are not loved and also become unlovable so that you do not have to feel the pain of assuming you were loved only to be disappointed. So its better to believe that you will not be loved and that you are unloveable.

But a deeper part of you want to be loved, it is a human need.

So who are you really?

Who is the authentic you?

The version you present to the world to prevent you being hurt and unloved or the person needing love and wanting to share love?

Says who?

This is why I say Authenticity is a Myth.

We have the opportunity to decide who we want to be, what we believe and how we act.

If you decide that you want to BE, DO and HAVE a different life from what you have today and you are able to achieve that, are you being authentic or inauthentic? Which version of yourself is the real self, the authentic you? The old version or the new version?


You have the opportunity to decide WHO you want to be. But you will never be able to make the necessary changes unless you are able to change your current beliefs, identity, meaning and behaviours. And you will not be able to change those unless you find the root cause or the event(s) from which you adopted your current beliefs, identity, stories and behaviours.

In our coaching process we help our clients to find the Original Events that has shaped their current self. If their current self is not serving them for what they want their life to be, they will want to change.

Unfortunately most people do not change because they are not able to identify the root cause, the original event and effectively reframe those events with a meaning that will serve them to achieve the life they want to achieve.

You will not be able to Go For 10, not achieve your highest potential unless you are able to identify the root cause of what is holding you back and reframe it and repurpose it to fuel your actions to achieve your big dreams and highest potential.

Remember, Don't Settle for 7 - GO FOR 10!

Your Biggest Supporter

Shane Ram

Shane Ram is an Executive and Life Coach, HR Consultant, author and a sought after global keynote speaker. He is the CEO of STEP HR Consulting, Founder of Scientific Happiness, Property Investor, Founder of Don’t Settle for 7 – Go For 10. Shane works with CEOs, corporations, 6-7 Figure business owners and entrepreneurs to increase revenue, grow their businesses and live more fulfilling lives.

Shane works with CEOs, executives, corporations and entrepreneurs to grow their business and their lives. His strikingly effective coaching process shows individuals and corporate teams how to create the personal lives they want while becoming a megastar at work. To book a time to speak with Shane go to https://meetme.so/shaneram. To book Shane for events and seminars go to www.shaneram.com or www.stepadvisors.net, call 1-868-351-5000 or email at [email protected]



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