Who wins in tough economic times?

Uncategorized Jun 22, 2018

Are you or your company facing tough economic times at the moment?

Do you see other people thriving in the same tough economic times?

What do you think is the difference?

Is it technical skills or Personal Skills?

Did you say Personal Skills? Correct!!!

Technical skills are necessary and will be very useful but the game changer is Personal Skills.

Think about it this way, your technical skills will only thrive in a fertile environment and that fertile internal environment requires personal mastery.

The people who will win in tough economic times are the one who master the following:

  1. People with Resilience - Emotional Mastery. Tough times can really cause stress and make us feel down but it is the ones who are resilient in the face of challenges that will not only survive but thrive during tough times.

  2. People who Innovate - Mind Mastery. Tough times presents challenges but as Einstein said 'you can't solve a problem at the same level of consciousness that created it' so we need to operate from a place beyond the intellect. If everyone is using intellect to solve problems, what if you can tap into a higher source?

  3. People who serve deeply - Heart Mastery. It is said that it is when things get tough you will see the real person. People want to know that the people work with actually care and this will separate the winners from the losers in tough times.

  4. People who invest wisely - Money Mastery. In tough times most people get scared and hold on to every last penny, but it is the people who invest wisely win because they know that when things are down the only way it can go is up!

  5. People with Vision and Purpose - Heart Mastery. To use a popular quote 'without vision, the people shall perish'. The winners are the ones who can see what everyone sees but creates a mental vision of a different and better future. You have a choice, you can focus on the doom and gloom or you can focus on a better future, its your brain and you can choose.

  6. People with good health & high energy - Health Mastery. Simple put, if you body is not healthy, you mind most likely won't be and you will not have the capacity to operate at genius level. Good mental health is also required.

  7. People who can focus and maximise productivity - Time Mastery. We all have 24 hours in the day, the poor, the rich, the middle class, the poor who became rich, etc etc. It is the people who are able to set goals, identify the critical activities to move forward on the goals, blocks time to focus on the critical activities and

Where do you get all the tools, strategies and techniques to do this? - Personal Mastery 2018

Upcoming Personal Mastery Program:



Check Academy website for dates of the next Personal Mastery Workshop or Request Your In-house program at [email protected]

Objective: The aim of the program is to provide senior managers, business leaders and entrepreneurs with the critical skills to produce genius level work and also lead a purposeful life.

Success is 80% Personal Mastery and 20% Technical Mastery, this life transforming course focuses managers/leaders/entrepreneurs on mastering the critical personal skills required for success and the most profitable skills for the 21st century. 

Who is this for:

  • Senior Managers
  • Business Leaders
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Professionals

What will YOU Master at the end of this program


  • Leading Others
  • Leaving a Legacy
  • Creating an Impact
  • Purpose and fulfilment in your career and life.


  • Block time for genius level work 
  • Reduce overwhelm
  • Significantly Boost productivity
  • Manage Distractions and Stay Focused
  • Critical Tools for Time Mastery


  • Drastically Boost Innovation & Creativity
  • Significantly Improve Decision making
  • Develop Intuition
  • Critical Mind Tools


  • Boost Energy Levels for high performance.
  • Diet for High Performers and Busy Professionals
  • Exercise for High Performers and Busy Professionals


  • Manage finances
  • Create wealth and Leave Legacy for Family
  • Create multiple streams of income.


  • Leading Self and Others
  • Overcome setbacks
  • Managing in Turbulent Times
  • Build resilience
  • Improve emotional intelligence.

Remember, Don't Settle for 7 - GO FOR 10!

Your Biggest Supporter

Shane Ram

Shane Ram is an Executive and Life Coach, HR Consultant, author and a sought after global keynote speaker. He is the CEO of STEP HR Consulting, Founder of Scientific Happiness, Property Investor, Founder of Don’t Settle for 7 – Go For 10. Shane works with CEOs, corporations, 6-7 Figure business owners and entrepreneurs to increase revenue, grow their businesses and live more fulfilling lives.

Shane works with CEOs, executives, corporations and entrepreneurs to grow their business and their lives. His strikingly effective coaching process shows individuals and corporate teams how to create the personal lives they want while becoming a megastar at work. To book a time to speak with Shane go to https://meetme.so/shaneram. To book Shane for events and seminars go to www.shaneram.com or www.stepadvisors.net, call 1-868-351-5000 or email at [email protected]



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