Interested in solving problems that matter?

Participate in the Be A Boss Teen Challenge and you can win a free seat in our highly respected Money and Business Camp for Teens (Online) + GoFor10 gear + win a US$15,000 Entrepreneur Coaching Program to bring your idea to reality.









Be A Boss Teen Challenge FAQ

If you have questions for us that we did not answer in the FAQs, please send email to [email protected]


What is the Be A Boss Teen Challenge?

GoFor10's Teen Challenge is a global innovation challenge that invites young entrepreneurs to think big and come up with ideas for addressing some of the most critical issues facing humanity today..

Who can compete?

Any young person aged 12 to 19 is eligible to compete. The competition is online and free to enter. 

What are the prizes?

Each category winner will get a free seat in our highly respected Money and Business Camp as well as GoFor10 Gear. We are working on getting sponsorship so that the winners get the funding to execute their idea. There are nine challenge categories. 

How does it work?

Register, pick one of the challenges and get busy brainstorming. Once you’ve got a good idea, fill out the online submission form. That’s all it takes to enter the challenge. A challenge entry can be completed in just a few hours, start to finish.  You’re even welcome to submit entries for more than one challenge!  All entries are reviewed and scored by a panel of judges. 

What are the deadlines?

Summer 2020 challenges open until June 30, 2020.  Winners are announced July 5, 2020.

Do I need to be a student to compete?

No. Anyone who meets the age criteria (between the ages of 12 and 19, calculated as of December 16, 2019) can enter. You do not need to be a currently enrolled student to participate. 

Are there any restrictions based on the country I live in?

No. This is a global challenge and participation is online. The Money and Business Camp is also online so there are no country restrictions.

How do I enter the competition?

Visit to explore the Be A Boss Teen Challenges then click the black Get Started button to register. You’ll find the Get Started button in various places as you explore the website, and it’s always available at the top right corner of every page.

Can I invite someone else to compete?

Yes! If you know any young innovators who’d enjoy tackling a Be A Boss Teen challenge, you can send them this link

Can I have a team compete rather than myself?

No, this is a solo competition.

Can my team get help from a teacher, coach or other mentor?

Yes, you can get help. The work you submit must be original and your own, but you’re welcome to seek guidance as you explore the challenges and brainstorm about solutions. We encourage community involvement! 

Can I submit my entry on paper?

No. We supply all the questions for the challenge on the site so you can draft your idea on paper if you like, but you must register and submit your entry online at

What is GoFor10?

GoFor10 is an education and coaching platform. We recognised that there were many challenges facing the world and one of the main reasons was that people were using information not suited for our modern world. We needed to create an education system for the new way of living.

Why organise an innovation challenge for Teens?

It is vital that innovators and entrepreneurs think about how society can meet the Global challenges. GoFor10 believes that with all the technological and educational tools available today, young innovators and entrepreneurs may be better positioned to solve these challenges than any previous generation has been.

The participants of our 2019 Money and Business Camp for Teens developed many business ideas that are required/implemented today.



You can register immediately and complete the challenge form anytime before the deadline.

"I am a business student of St. Benedict's College. Being a business student, this money and entrepreneurship camp was suggested by my mother as a way to gain practical insight and knowledge of effectively using money and running a successful business. I learnt how to prioritise my vision by setting goals, budgeting, investing, different investment opportunities such as real estate, stocks, etc, production, believing in my product and branding. As I went forward I learnt how essential it is to implement a positive mindset to help me to be creative, to read more to gain knowledge and the importance of deadlines. I suggest to any of my peers that they ask their parents to allow them the opportunity afforded to me by my parents because it was a great experience."

Jaron Butler

"If I had to describe this camp in one word, it would be ‘enlightening’. Considering that I’ve been studying business since Form 4 and I’m now in Upper 6, I was unsure about if I’d be learning things which I didn’t already know. Now, after the camp is finished, I can undoubtedly say I learnt new concepts and ideas everyday. Things that connected the theory I studied in school to real life business situations. It was a plus that Mr. Ram is very experienced in the corporate world and also introduced us to other very successful people in business. In addition, the activities which we had to complete as teams were incredibly enjoyable and strengthened the bond of the entire class. I’m incredibly grateful for the knowledge imparted on us."

Nikeisha Deonarine
Student - Naparima Girls High School



Don't want to participate in the Challenge but still want to attend the Camp? No Problem, Pre-Register to get discounted pricing when formal registration begins.


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